Monday, May 26, 2008

Mood: Panic

the semester will end soon in the next couple of weeks, been busy trying to submit all the assignments and other project. somewhat i need to manage to get it all done before 6th of june. need to go to the youth camp.

Last week, a friend told there's this girl that i knew, got a crush on me. my god! another one? seriously, tsk... i shouldn't be too nice with girls next time. it's not my fault to act friendly and try to be nice with everyone, but if all the venus ou
t there think that im spreading the wrong aura, im sorry, this needs to be stop. it's all about ethics, even though im not wrong, undirectly, I hurt the girl's feeling which is totally not my fault coz i don even kno whats happenning. it might get worse, but i don think it'll b such dramatic as those romance consumerist film which normally ended with the girl kill herself bla bla bla. seriously, why all the stupid little girls out there so immature, if people don't like you then move on man. don't get jealous with other girls and start gossiping other people. 

last weekend, met bimbos on the street. blardy hate it! so lala, so retarded, weird accent, ugly hair, big shoes, what are you? Ronald Mcdonald? I cant stand those lala or faggot or stupid retarded harazuku in sungei wang. please go to ur cl
oset and check urself before u go out! u r not some effing kids whom needs their mom all the time for god's sake!
The picture above is the screw that WAS planted inside my gum! it HURTS A LOT! at least for the first 2 weeks! Last week they decided to plug it out because they think the screw was still loose. i shouldnt agree with them at the first place. now there a big hole in my mouth...SHIT!

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