Saturday, July 26, 2008

taken from peter cincotti's goodbye philadelphia

Just like Philadelphia

Freedom means a lot to me

In between the place I’ve been

And where I’m goin’

I can see America

Tryin’ not to show her age

Even thought the winds have changed

Keep on blowin’

And I would lay your body down and rock your tears away

But it’s much too late for now to be like yesterday

And the time is running out and we still have to say


Remember Philadelphia

When the world was young and warm

So in love and living for

Everything new

But I know Philadelphia

The winter wind will slowly take

Your heart and soul until it makes

Nothing of you

Flash a peace sign take a bow

Though we may not know it now

Things are never gonna be the same

Here on Seventh Avenue

I tip my old top hat to you

I hope you find somebody who

Will love you like I do




Goodbye Philadelphia

Friday, July 11, 2008

隨樂。 不苦。 
  無著心。 無為心。

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


"Pasrah dan tidak menyalahkan siapa-siapa
pasrah akan naik turun
jika ada yang mengkhianat, bersabarlah
jika ada yang menghina, bersabarlah
jika ada yang memaki, bersabarlah
jika ada yang menjebak, bersabarlah
yang sulit dijalani tetap dijalani
yang sulit dipikul tetap dipikul
segala sesuatu akan berlalu bagaimana pun jua
pasrah terhadap kematian
pasrah kepada diri sendiri"
Yi Ri Yi Xiao Yu, Lu. S.Y. 2003, Taipei, Daden Culture Co. Ltd 


X: you have to be rich so that people will not look down at you. i told my husband the same thing everyday. 

Me: Why do you scared people look down at you? are you ashame he is more rich or you just hate the fact that he look down on you?


X:why are you so lack of selfness? if you think you make money for your pride, are you happy with the money? of coz money talks. but, what makes the difference, after you get rich, you'll look down at him. its the same thing. i'd rather live happily not rich. 


HOliday is never relaxing for me. everyday, i went to work to do some document clippings, managing, negotiating, dealing with employees....yakz.... worse than

everything everywhere in this small town called tarakan is pretty hectic. the stupid PON KALTIM whatever event it is keep the towns busy. i'm not gonna comment on how lame were the management for the tourism aspects in this town. this town needs a great exposure, big exposure to shine towards the nation. it might be their first time to organised this kind of event. which at the end leads to the disastrous misleading on the event. 

last few days, we deal with this stupid high tourism coalition that makes most of the athletes sometimes i just don't know how they think. but, i understand that cultural imperialism is something that needs time to evolve.

so far. i think i can manage..... tsk